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Work with me

If you want to try a Continuous Glucose Monitor, but are not sure where to start and would like some support, you can either:


  • download my FREE CGM starter guide

  • join one of my online group programmes

  • work with me one-to-one (via zoom or face to face)

  • book a free 15 min discovery call with me to chat about what would work best for you.

I love working with groups, because I see that the support and learning from other peoples' experiences are a big part of the healing journey.

Not "going it alone" is good for our heart & soul, but is also a great motivator because it helps with commitment and accountability. 


But I also understand that groups are not for everyone, so you can book a free 15 minute discovery call with me and we can look at what format would work best for you. I am also working on a DIY programme, where you can work through things in your own pace and book sessions with me as and when you need some support.

CGMs and Glucose: ONE metric, but still a holistic approach?

One important thing to understand about any health journey is that it is never "just one thing" that led to a state of "dis-ease" and it seldom appears "out of nowhere" either, even though it can seem that way. Often our body has been working hard behind the scenes to keep things balanced for years, until it no longer can and we finally "breaks down"..

This unfortunately means that there is no "magic pill" or "quick fix" and that healing the body takes time and commitment.


Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start, because many things need addressing to bring the body pack into balance.

Interestingly there are some key processes in our body that have a big effect on what happens in the rest of our body and GLUCOSE CONTROL is one of these processes, because it is closely related to insulin & insulin resistance, which in turn are at the root of many health problems like diabetes, heart disease, neurological disorders and even some cancers.

(For more information on this a good place to start is the book "Why we get sick" by Benjamin Bikman, PhD.)


This means that starting your journey by balancing your glucose level can be a great idea and through the use of CGMs it is now made much easier.


And as we all know, prevention is still the best cure of all and that is why I have made it my mission to raise awarenss of the benefits of trying a CGM even if you have NO SYMPTOMS! That is the best time, so you can have a look "behind the scenes" before a diagnosis is present.

It's not a sprint, it is a marathon...or even better, a triathlon with 3 disciplines...


My 3 Pillar Philosophy

Becoming and staying healthy is never just about one thing, like what we eat, how much we move or how well we sleep.

It is all about balance and consistency. 

If, for example, someone eats very healthy, but is chronically stressed, the healthy food will not get digested/absorbed, because in "fight or flight situations" our genius body focuses all resources on "running away from that tiger" and will only restart the digestive processes (stomach acid production, enzyme and bile release, etc) once the danger has passed. Therefore, in a chronically stressed individual this means that digestion is chronically impaired. The same goes for the immune system. Or if someone is relaxed, exercises regularly and sleeps 8 hours a night, but has a consistently poor diet that lacks nutrients and fibre, their body will lack the proper fuel to keep all the important bodily processes going (immune system, energy production, digestion, repair, etc) and will eventually break down.

Additionally, having a very negative outlook on life, with no purpose or goals, can in turn counter act a healthy diet and will likely interfere with sleep quality, because our thoughts matter and can change our physiology, resulting in a stressed state.

It is all connected and about a long term approach.

Our body is very good at "compensating" for imbalances for a long time, not showing any symptoms of disease, until it can no longer pick up the slack and starts "breaking down". So an unhealthy meal here or there, missing exercise for a week or two, pulling an all-nighter once in a while to meet a deadline or feeling overwhelmed by life on occasion, is not the problem. It is when these things become the norm rather than the exception, that things will start heading in the wrong direction.

Clients often feel that their ailments have appeared "out of nowhere" and they do not understand, because they have been living a certain way for a long time and it was always fine. Was it though? Or did their magnificent bodies just work very hard to keep hem in balance until it could no longer cope? 

The road to imbalance or disease often takes a while (midlife often being the time where the "straw breaks the camel's back") and therefore the road back to health will also need time and commitment. For this reason, I work with clients over longer periods (see programmes) so we can consistently rebalance all aspects of their lives, one step at a time, and work towards better health.

It's not about being perfect, it's about finding a balance that works for YOU.

"The secret of getting ahead, is getting started..." Mark Twain
...but sometimes it is hard to know where to start with so much (conflicting) information out there and that is where I can help.

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